When viewing the Survey Online, the Survey Targets related list is not populating with any of the associated Survey Targets. A SOQL query shows that the Survey Targets exist and are properly configured to use the Survey:
Root Cause:
There are two common causes:
The Account_vod__c field on one or more of the Survey Target records is not properly data loaded and is null. This field is required and must be populated with a valid Account ID.
The Survey Target records is a different Record Type than the Survey.
The Record Type of the Survey is One_Time_vod, while one Survey Target record has User_Survey_vod Record Type. This could occur from a data load by mistake.
Query all Survey Targets for the Survey and determine which records have null Account_vod__c.
- SELECT Account_Display_Name_vod__c,Account_vod__c,ID FROM Survey_Target_vod__c WHERE Survey_vod__c = 'Survey ID' ORDER BY Account_Display_Name_vod__c ASC NULLS FIRST
Do the following:
- Once all the records are located, populate the Account_vod__c with a valid Account ID and update the records.
- If a Survey Record Type does not match, modify the Survey Target Record Type or delete the Survey Target record.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Creating Surveys