What controls the display of the More Actions button on the My Accounts page in CRM Online?
The More Actions button displays if the user has access to available Actions based on Create permissions to the related object:
- Add to List / Account_List_vod__c
- Send Email / Send_Email_vod__c
- New Order / Order_vod__c
To remove a specific Action like Add to List, the Create permission to object Account_List_vod__c can be removed by the following steps:
- Navigate to the user's User Detail Page.
- Click on the user's Profile.
- Click on Edit.
- Scroll down to Custom Object Permissions section.
- Remove Create permission to the Account_List_vod__c object.
- Click on Save.
- Clear Veeva Cache.
The same steps can be followed to remove any of the other Actions. Once actions are not available to the user, the More Actions button does not display.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: My Accounts Notes - More Actions Button