What are the Tasks Tab Options in Vault PromoMats and Medical?
Please see the definition of the various sections in the Tasks tab below:
All Tasks:
All Tasks is the default view. This view shows both tasks assigned to the user and available tasks. For each task, the view describes the required actions to complete the workflow task and the document to which the task applies. Click the document name to view it, or click Show more to see additional task details.
My Tasks:
If the user is a participant in a workflow, assigned tasks may be available for which the user is responsible. The My Tasks view describes the required actions to complete the task and the document to which the task applies. Click the document name to view the document or click Show more to view additional task details.
Available Tasks:
The Available Task view lists all tasks that are available for the user to accept and complete. When a task shows up as available, an Admin configured the task so that any of the assigned users can complete it. When one user accepts the task, it is no longer listed as available and shows in that user’s My Tasks view.
The Notifications view lists all notifications that the user receives. These may be related to documents, binders, workflows, or other activity in the Vault. Notifications are informational and do not require the user to take any action.
Delete a notification by clicking the red X icon. Vault displays the 200 most recent notifications, but stores all notifications until they are deleted. If there are more than 200 notifications and the user needs to see the hidden, older notifications, delete recent notifications.
Active Workflows:
The Active Workflow view lists workflows in which the user is a participant or is the Workflow Owner. Workflows on any documents where the user has the Owner or Coordinator role are seen.
For each workflow, this view displays a link to the document and a list of participants, tasks, and the task completion status. Use this view to monitor the progress of active workflows.
Custom Views:
From the All Tasks or My Tasks view, save a custom task view that includes any applied filters, sort order, and layout selections.
If the Vault includes workflows that can assign tasks to any user (available tasks), this option is only available on the All Tasks view. If the Vault does not include available tasks, saved custom views are only available from the My Tasks view.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: View Menu