How To:
How to add or remove application licensing using Vault Loader.
- Add the vault_membership column to the CSV being used within Loader
- Choose Update as the action option within Loader
- To remove licensing already in place, set the specific application to "false"
- e.g 2656|qualityQdocs_v:false
- Leaving an application blank is allowed and leaves values already in place meaning updating a single application license does not modify the other existing or non-existing licenses.
- Creating users with only the base user license will force application licenses to mirror the base license.
- e.g. Assigning a Quality Vault user as a Read-Only user will attempt to assign Read-Only licenses on any QualityDocs or QMS applications if they exist. To avoid this, customers should set the application-specific licenses to "false" which will leave them blank in the UI and keep error messages of "insufficient licenses" from occurring.
Related Documentation:
Vault Loader Documentation: Vault Membership Assignment