What customizations can occur on what fields display in the New Account Wizard? Can the fields in the NAW be reorganized?
Fields can be added the the New Account Wizard by including the field as required on the corresponding Account Page Layout. The fields in the NAW display in the following order:
- Record Type
- Name Fields (such as First Name and Last Name)
- Any fields marked Required on the Account Page Layout that are not on the ignore list, in the order that they are placed on the Page Layout
The ignore list includes the following fields:
- Name
- Salutation
- FirstName
- LastName
- CurrencyIsoCode
- Territory_vod
- Primary_Parent_vod
- Business_Professional_Person_vod
The following fields will display as part of step 3 above even if they are not marked as required:
- Name
- Address_line_2_vod
- City_vod
- State_vod
- Zip_vod
- Country_vod
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: New Account Wizard