When a trial, product, etc. enters litigation, it may be necessary to preserve or audit any changes made to related documents. Users can apply a legal hold to documents by relating them to a Legal Hold object record. When a document is under legal hold, Vault preserves the document but allows business processes to continue.
Is there a way to extract all the documents that are applied with Legal Hold?
Once Vault matches documents to a Legal Hold object record, Vault creates Legal Hold Item records as children of the Legal Hold, each Legal Hold Item representing a document matched with the Legal Hold.
Hence, admins can create a report with documents and legal holds based on the Legal Hold Item object. Use the following steps to do so:
- Navigate to Admin --> Configuration --> Report Types.
- Click the Create button.
- Select Legal Hold Item as the Primary Reporting Objects, Document, and Legal Hold as the Related Objects. Or admins can also create a report type only with the Legal Hold Item object with limited columns.
- Navigate to the Reports tab and create a report with the report type created in Step 1.
Add necessary columns and filters.
- Run and Save the report.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Legal Hold Administration