How to Screen or Screen Fail a Subject in RTSM?
At Screening the Subject can be successfully Screened or be Screen Failed depending on if the Subject meets the eligibility criteria. A Subject can be Screen Failed after the Initial Screening.
- To Screen a Subject, navigate to the Subjects page.
- Click the Add New Subject button to open the New Subject form.
Note: The view may differ from the images above based on the study and user privileges. Additionally, the questions or statements may vary based on the study requirements. - Enter data in the required fields.
- If the Subject meets the eligibility criteria, select Yes and click Submit.
- A final form appears to confirm the subject is Screened.
- If the Subject does not meet the eligibility criteria, select No to the eligibility question.
- Check the checkbox to Screen Fail the Subject and then click Submit.
- A final form appears to provide the subject number and confirm the subject is Screen Failed.
To Screen Fail a Subject after the Initial Screening:
- Navigate to the Subjects page, click on the Task Menu (3 dots) for the subject to be screenfailed.
- Click on Record Event on the Task Menu.
Notes:- The study may have different tabs and or radio boxes than what is displayed above
- The user may be required to disable Pop Up Blockers before clicking on links or icons
- Enter data in the required fields. Click Screening Failure as the Event to Record.
- Click the Submit button.
- A final form appears to confirm the subject is Screen Failed.
Note: The study may have different activity names than what is displayed above.
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