How to cancel an active workflow in Vault PromoMats and Medical?
An active workflow can be cancelled by an active Workflow Owner (the user who started that workflow) or by a user who has a Security Profile that grants the Workflow Administration: Cancel permission.
There are a number of reasons why the workflow should be cancelled, for example:
- The workflow is started by an individual who has left the company. In order to progress the document, the workflow must be stopped and restarted by a new owner.
- The workflow is assigned to the wrong reviewer(s) and the particular Vault does not allow an individual to reassign the tasks.
- The workflow owner realizes that the wrong workflow is started.
There are two ways to cancel the workflow:
- The workflow can be cancelled from the Show Active Workflow page:
- The workflow can be cancelled from the Timeline view:
The user receives the following warning:
Select Continue to cancel the workflow.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Using Document Workflows
Youtube Channel: How To Cancel An Active Workflow in PromoMats