What is the expected behavior of the Sample Inventory Item fields when a sample is dropped?
When a Sample is dropped, the expected behavior of the Sample Inventory Item fields is the following:
Expected_Quantity_vod: The value in this field is decreased automatically by the number of samples dropped. Expected Quantity represents the quantity that the system expects for a Sample Lot as part of a Sample Inventory Item. The Expected Quantity is calculated based on the summation of the Inventory Impact Quantity field for all Sample Transactions by the user for the Sample Lot. The Roll-up of the Sample Transactions for a Sample Lot is maintained on the Sample Lot object in the field Calculated Quantity.
The display of Expected Quantity on the Sample Inventory Screen is controlled by the Sample Inventory Layout. If the Expected Quantity is removed from the Layout, then the Difference field does not display as well.
Difference_vod: The difference of the values in the Count and Expected Quantity fields is updated automatically. It represents a calculated formula of the difference between the Count and Expected Quantity for a Sample Lot as part of a Sample Inventory Item.
- Count_vod: Count represents the user entered a physical count for a Sample Lot as part of a Sample Inventory Item. The field has to be updated manually.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Sample Inventories