What is the display order of a medical discussion in the call report when using the Japanese language in Veeva CRM for iPad?
The display order of Medical Discussion depends on the different situations when using the translation function.
- The Record Type label translation is Kanji.
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the 50-tone order (Japanese language order).
Before Sorting: 林(hayasi) 渡辺(watanabe) 小林(kobayasi) After Sorting: 小林(kobayasi) 林(hayasi) 渡辺(watanabe)
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the 50-tone order (Japanese language order).
The Record Type label translation is English.
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order.
Before Sorting: c b a After Sorting: a b c
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order.
- The Record Type label translation is English and hiragana.
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order following by the 50-tone order.
Before Sorting: はやし cわたなべ aこばやし After Sorting: aこばやし cわたなべ はやし
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order following by the 50-tone order.
- The Record Type label translation is English and katakana
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order following by the 50-tone order.
Before Sorting: テストタイプ cファンタジー aメディカル After Sorting: aメディカル cファンタジー テストタイプ
- Display Order: The display order of Medical Discussion is base on the alphabet order following by the 50-tone order.
- The Record Type label translation is hiragana
- Display Order: The order is base on the 50-tone.
Before Sorting: はやし わたなべ こばやし After Sorting: こばやし はやし わたなべ
- Display Order: The order is base on the 50-tone.
- The Record Type label translation is katakana.
- Display Order: The order is base on the 50-tone.
Before Sorting: ファンタジー メディカル テストタイプ After Sorting: テストタイプ ファンタジー メディカル
- Display Order: The order is base on the 50-tone.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: N/A