How to remove sync errors from CRM on iPad?
Most sync errors can be resolved by the following:
- Using the Undo and Undelete from the Errors Tab: Handling Sync Errors
- Addressing the sync errors root cause.
There are many Knowledge Base solution articles providing steps to resolve most errors. A good place to start is by reviewing the following articles:
If sync errors cannot be resolved or the issue is unclear, Veeva Support assists the customer in reviewing the error and provides guidance. In certain circumstances, the best option is to remove the error which prevents the data change or update from syncing online. There are two options to remove these errors:
- Reinstall a device
- Use the Clear Client Sync Error process to clear the error and restore the database.
To Reinstall a device:
- Recover the Vtrans: How to Recover the VTrans Folder (iPad) in CRM?
- If there are any unsynced transactions or sync errors, open a ticket with Veeva Support to load the Vtrans.
- Uninstall the device.
- Reinstall.
To clear all errors from a device without the need for a reinstall, use the Clear Client Sync Errors process:
- To enable this functionality, grant users FLS edit permission to the Clear_Client_Sync_Errors_vod field on the User object and clear Veeva Cache.
- Ask the user to perform an incremental sync and be sure that sure all the sync errors on the device are not fixable and should be cleared.
- Set the Clear_Client_Sync_Errors_vod__
c = True on the User detail record. Once the check box is enabled, the user must perform an incremental sync again to clear the errors on the device from the previous sync. - When the sync completes, the errors are cleared and the check box is automatically disabled. To clear errors in the future, the user must re-enable it.
If this functionality is used with a forced full refresh, the device’s database resets to match the online data.
For example:
A Call is created and receives an error. The Clear flag is set on the user and clears the update from syncing online
- Offline, the Call exists retaining the updated values and could be visible on the calendar, related lists, etc.
- Online, the Call may exist if it had successfully synced but would not include any updates that were included in the Or may not exist at all if the error was on creation.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Handling Sync Errors