An expense line contains details of an individual expense line. It represents an individual line on an invoice and is broken out by sub-type. Actual_vod of Expense_Line_vod should roll up from the sum of the Expense Lines to Actual_Cost_vod on EM_Event_vod. But, the Actual_Cost_vod is not calculated for some Events in CRM.
Root Cause:
A custom validation rule blocks updates to Actual_Cost_vod on EM_Event_vod under specified conditions.
It is not possible to allow the Actual_vod of Expense Line to roll up unless the validation rule is de-activated.
If the rule is de-activated, the user should be able to re-calculate Actual_Cost_vod by unlocking the Event and updating one of the Expense Line records (without changing any values).
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Budgets and Expenses