How to use Wildcards for Claims Linking in Vault PromoMats and Medical?
Wildcards in Auto Claims Linking enable the user to match variable content in a document to a Claim record. This allows the user to use the Auto Claims Linking feature even when the text is not an exact match. The user can use wildcards in both primary match text and Match Text Variations. Wildcards are formatted as {*}. There are two types of wildcards: Standalone wildcards have a space on each side and stand for up to ten words. For example, “Product is {*} good” would match “Product is good,” “Product is very good,” and “Product is the prime example of good.” Vault ignores standalone wildcards at the beginning and end of match text.
The Attached wildcards are used at the beginning, middle, or end of a word and add an unlimited number of characters to that word only. For example, “Prod{*} works well” matches “Prod works well”, “Product works well”, and “Product1 works well”. One match text entry can contain up to three wildcards. When two or more wildcards of the same type appear in a row, Vault only uses the first wildcard and ignores any following wildcards. For example, both “when taking Product {*} for the first time” and “when taking Product {*} {*} for the first time” matches “when taking Product for the first time” as well as “when taking Product OTC XR for the first time.”
When two wildcards of different types appear consecutively, Vault uses both wildcards.
Disclaimer: The Enhanced Suggest Links functionally does not support or require wildcards.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Using Wildcards