Multichannel content requires users to iterate quickly and often to upload many versions of a document in a single day, so Vault provides the Multichannel Loader function which can help users upload Multichannel Presentations and Slides efficiently.
When using Multichannel Presentations, the first step is to upload a valid CSV file that contains a list of the slides and presentations to create or update. However, users encounter the error slide.claim__c.name__v is not a valid column header. name__v is not a unique field on the XXX object (Error 102) after uploading the CSV file.
Root Cause:
The Object field name__v of the object is not unique within the object.
When creating a column header for an object reference field (Product Name, Claim Name, etc.), use the format:
[type].[object name].[field name]
Tthe Product Name field for the product referenced by a slide would become slide.product__v.name__v in the CSV.
Note that the object field that is used must be unique within the object.
Instead of name__v, use a field that is configured as Unique, such as ID.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Using the Multichannel Loader