How to correct eSignature pages not publishing in Vault RIM?
If a document has an eSignature, but the signature page is not publishing, take these steps to correct this:
- On the Submission Content Plan for the submission with the document in question, find the column 'Include eSignatures'. Add it as needed.
- For the Content Plan Item that is not publishing the eSignature page, find its Include eSignature field and change this to Yes. If Enable Continuous Publishing is set to Yes it will start to publish. If it is off, it will be necessary to Run On-Demand Publishing and Validation to republish.
- Confirm once publishing is completed that the page is now published.
In Step 1, if the column Include eSignature is not an option, then the vault in question may not be configured for this. If eSignatures are needed, a user with administrative permissions must update the Content Plan Item object. The object will need to have its Object Types updated to allow Include eSignature in the modules as needed. Note: Due to an application-specific limitation, RIM Publishing does not support signature page templates configured to populate eSignatures at the beginning of the document.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Setting Up Object Types