How are Controlled Vocabularies with date-based placeholders populated in RIM?
Some system-created Controlled Vocabularies found in RIM include date-based placeholders within the naming convention of the record. These placeholders appear with either the YYYY-MM-DD or {date:d} format. Examples:
The placeholders are populated through the Submission Administrative Information UI and can only be populated when Publishing is enabled. When publishing from the Submission record, select Update Administrative Information then users can update the date values to populate the XML correctly. Other than through Publishing, there is no other way to set these date values.
Note: These date-based placeholders are specific features of RIM Publishing, but will appear in related Controlled Vocabularies even for those Vaults where Publishing is not enabled. When publishing is not enabled, these date values cannot be set and the placeholder format will remain in the record name.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Working with Submissions Publishing