The purpose of this article is to explain how the Engage For Portals functionality works from a technical perspective. The article mainly focuses on the Website setup and Content accessibility. The functionality requires basic HTML knowledge. The article also assumes that the Vault and CRM setup have been completed based on the CRM and Vault Help documentation.
Engage For Portals is an Out-of-the-box Veeva functionality that provides customers the ability to embed Commercial Content from Vault to an External Website.
The Website is also referred to as the Landing Page. The Commercial Content in this case is also referred to as Engage Content.
The purpose of Engage For Portals is to provide:
- The Engage For Portals Frame that the Vault Content would be displayed in. The following screenshot is an example to understand the terminologies. The Engage For Portals Frame and the Vault Content themselves may be associated with another sub-website, furthermore, the desired size of the Frame may be larger.
- The ability to integrate, and manage the Vault Content between CRM and Vault.
For these reasons, there are three main areas of configuration:
- CRM Administrative Configuration (Permissions, Record Types, and so on)
- Vault Administrative Configuration (Lifecycle State setup, field setup, permissions, and so on)
- Website Configuration (Explained below)
The CRM Administrative Configuration and Vault Administrative Configuration are detailed in Engage for Portals Overview, Working with Engage Content, and About CLM & Engage Integration pieces of Help documentation respectively.
Website Configuration
The functionality requires a service that is capable of supporting HTML, CSS, Javascript, and hosting Websites.
The following basic HTML is needed as a bare minimum to begin to test the functionality:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body> Engage For Portals test
<! -- Engage For Portals Frame Code here -->
There are two types of Frames that can be embedded. Each option is viable depending on the business requirement.
- Inside the Frame, the Vault Content is displayed by default, meaning that, when the Site URL is clicked, the Vault Content displays.
- Inside the Frame, the Vault Content is not to be displayed by default, meaning that, when the Site URL is clicked, the Vault Content does not display. Due to compliance reasons, Vault Content using Approved Email can only be accessed when the recipient receives it in Email.
In the case of the first option from the Engage Content Administration Console, the Frame Code can be retrieved from the Embed Code section located at the top of the page. Be sure to place it inside the <body></body> HTML tags on the website. The width and height values are adjustable.
In the case of the second option, it is required to consider one particular piece of Vault Content which would be displayed by default. Under Deployment Manager, navigate to that particular content, and retrieve the code from Embed Code. Be sure to place it inside the <body></body> HTML tags on the Website. The width and height values are adjustable.
The difference between the Embed Code sections is the presence of the token parameter. In the first case, it is not present, while in the second case, it is.
- If the token parameter is populated with the value automatically generated for a particular presentation and is placed onto the Website, then that particular Vault Content displays, while accessing the Website.
- In the event, that the token value is not populated, an "Access Denied" error message appears while accessing the Website. The Vault Content is only accessible using a specific Approved Email, Vault, Email Template content, and Website record combination in this scenario.
Approved Email - Vault - Email Template (Email Fragment) - Website record Setup
In order to achieve the configuration of the 2nd scenario, the following pieces of configuration are required.
- The Binder (Presentation) has to be associated with the Website record in Vault using the Website lookup field.
- The Binder (Presentation) has to be associated with an Email Template in Vault using the Related Engage Presentation-related list.
- The Embedded Viewer Page (document_host_url__v) has to be populated with the URL of the Website record which is associated with the Binder (Presentation).
- The HTML of the Email Template has to contain the {{engageLink}} Approved Email token inside a href HTML tag.
- The Binder (Presentation) and the Slide (Key Message) have to be Approved in Vault.
- The Publish for Veeva CRM (Portals) field on both the Binder and the Slide records has to be set to true, and the Send to Engage action must be performed on the Slide so that the zip content can be uploaded to the Engage Content Distribution Network (CDN). This is the location where the Engage Metadata Sync Administration tab pulls the Engage content from.
The Send to Engage action is configured on the CRM Content Lifecycle Document Lifecycle. As a general practice, the Send to Engage action is performed when Slides are moved into the Approved state.
This way, when the Email Template is sent out to recipients, clicking the {{engageLink}} link will lead the recipient to the Website having the Token generated for the particular Approved Binder (Presentation) and Approved Slides that were associated with the Email Template and Website.
In the event the Binder and the Slides remain Staged, the {{engageLink}} is not going to work (Access Denied error message). The token requires the Binder and its Slides to be Approved. This is also applied to the Preview Staged and Preview Approved links. Only Preview Staged links are going to work in this case.
In the event, that the {{engageLink}} token is inside a particular Email Fragment HTML code, it is not required to populate the document_host_url__v field on the associated Email Template record. In this scenario, It is sufficient to populate the document_host_url__v field on the Email Fragment itself.
Engage For Portals Related Objects in CRM
- Multichannel Content - This is the Binder (Presentation) record
- Multichannel Content Asset - This is the Slide (Key Message) record in
- Site - This is the Website record in CRM. This record needs to be created manually in CRM having the same URL as the Website record has in Vault.
- Content Deployment - This is the record that associates Multichannel content records with Site records in Veeva CRM.
The Engage Metadata Administration tab manages these object records in CRM.
Engage For Portals in terms of the Approved Document object in CRM
- If the Email Template is associated with an Engage Presentation in Vault using the Related Engage Presentation related list, the Engage Document ID is populated on the Approved Document record.
- The Document Host field will be populated with the value of the Embedded Viewer Page field.
The Approved Email - Vault Integration manages both fields on the Approved Document records in CRM.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation:
Knowledge Article:
- Why do URL Links in a PDF Engage For Portals Content not Work in the Engage Media Player of Veeva CRM?
- Error: Site does not exist in CRM - When Syncing CoBrowse and Engage Metadata