The Support Portal is designed to provide a complete Self-Service* option for Veeva customers enabling them to find answers to questions and help resolve issues quickly without having to open a ticket. Note: If an article is not found in the Knowledge Base (KB) to resolve a problem, the user can open a ticket with Veeva Support.
This article addresses how to find Solution articles within the KB to help resolve problems. When accessing the Portal for the first time, the user is taken to the Home page. Clicking the Veeva logo will also take you to the Home page.
There are two ways to find Solution articles within the KB:
- Search using search criteria
- Manually browse Product Solutions by Product
Method 1: Search using Search criteria - On the Home page, enter search criteria (product feature or problem keywords) into the Search box, press the Enter key, and perform a Search for articles.
The Search box uses Federated Search so that not only are Knowledge Base (KB) articles searched, but also applicable Product Help Documentation pages are searched. The customer can browse through the list of returned artlcles.
In the Search area text box, enter the search criteria where it reads: What do you want to know? This criteria can be an actual error message (do not use double-quotes) or a keyword that helps locate a particular set of articles. Examples: "login", "DCR", "Data Change Request", etc.
- Example 1: To find the occurrence of the string, How to ... , type in the text string as: How to. A list of all How to articles appears in the results.
- Example 2: To find a list of open tickets, do not search by a ticket number on the Main portal page. Instead, tickets are listed on the Ticket Search and Filters page. Click My Tickets to get a list of the tickets opened by an administrator. Users can see only the tickets they have created. Note: At this time, the user is unable to export a list of tickets to a .csv file.
- Example 3: To find solution articles that address a specific error (message), type in text from the error message into the Search box and press the Enter key. Or, type in the word Error in the search box to find any articles that pertain to Product errors. Articles that contain the word Error: <error message> are returned in the results set. At the top of the result set, two Product Error guides are seen.
- Example 4: To find solution articles that were written to address any error, type in the word Error + <space> + followed by the product and press the Enter key. Example: Error Vault
This brings up error articles related to the Vault product.
Method 2: Manually browse Product Solutions by Product
To manually browse articles for a specific product, click the Knowledge link at the top of the page. This takes you to the left sidebar navigation of all Veeva Product content.
Or, click on the Product icon in the middle of the page to go straight to that product's content.
This takes the user to a page that lists all Products along the left sidebar of the page. The user can click on the Product and then expand the foldering structure to view the sections under that product. After clicking a section, the articles appear on the right side of the screen. Click on an article to view its contents. Use the breadcrumb above the navigation area to go back to a previous section or product.
The screen below shows an article that was found for the CRM product. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate back up the hierarchy. Sections and be expanded and collapsed while browsing. Orange coloring is used to highlight the section currently being browsed.
For more information on Navigating the portal see the Welcome to the Veeva Support article.