Getting Started on the Veeva Product Support Portal:
The Veeva Product Support Portal is the first place our customers can go to find Veeva Product Support information. It is redesigned to organize content making it more findable and easier to browse. The Support Portal is designed to provide a complete self-service option for Veeva customers enabling them to find answers to questions and help resolve problems quickly.
The Veeva Product Support Portal is open for use. A wide variety of knowledge content is available on the portal and is published by Support staff, Product teams, Customer Success, Services, and Marketing.
Google searches for Veeva knowledge content will point to the content on the Support Portal. Anyone can browse and view much of the Support Portal content without logging in. When any user accesses the Support Portal, they can do the following:
- Search for knowledge base articles
- Check status of systems using the Trust site information
- Access Product Release notes and Help documentation
- Manually navigate all knowledge base articles for each product
- and more!
It is important to note that some information is only available through a Support Portal Login Account. Thus, a user must log into the portal to see all available content. In addition, if a ticket is to be opened, the user is asked to supply login credentials prior to doing so.
To request a Support Portal account, the user must supply a business email address and complete the following form: Veeva Support Portal Account Request. You can also find this form by navigating to: Resources --> Support Portal Account Request.
Prior to logging into the Support Portal, the user sees the following menus on the Home page. Some functionality and content is not available to users who are not logged into the portal.
User not logged into portal:
User logged into portal:
After logging into the Support Portal, the user is positioned on the Home page. At that time, a logged-in user has the ability to:
- Open a ticket with Veeva Support
- View knowledge base content reserved for signed-in users
At any time, to return to the Home page, click the Veeva Logo.
The Home page provides two banners in the header area:
- Blue Banner - This banner provides information regarding service degradation or important system information/alerts for our customers
Example: - Search area Banner - Below the Search box, we have added a way to post important information. It may include information about a new feature that might be of interest to our customers or a hot topic regarding one of our products. It also may include limited hours notices due to Global Support holiday schedules.
The Support Portal provides the following menus at the top of the page:
A description of each hyperlink, menu or option follows:
Veeva Logo - Clicking the Veeva logo navigates the user back to the Home page.
- Search Bar - To search for a knowledge article, click in the text area where it reads: What do you want to know? Type in search criteria (a partial title, keywords, or phrases) to find articles. A list of articles appears as you type your criteria. When you press the Enter key, a list of results will appear in a popup box. Click the title of the article needed to open the article. It is important to note that this feature includes a Federated Search, in that product Help documentation pages and knowledge base articles will be found in the results set. A knowledge base article will have a label of Veeva Product Support Portal. Otherwise, the link is assumed to be from the Help pages.
- Getting Started - When a new user accesses the Support Portal, it is recommended to visit the Getting Started pages. The user can navigate through helpful materials. Each Veeva Product section will also a Getting Started section. Example: When the user navigates to Vault content, there is a section called Getting Started with Veeva Vault. This helps the user get started with a particular product.
Knowledge - This link points the customer to all Veeva Products that have knowledge base content on the Support Portal. The user sees the left sidebar navigation that allows the user to manually browse through all this content. Click the name of the product --> and select the section under it to navigate the foldering structure. Each article section under a product contains knowledge articles pertaining to that product. Sections can be expanded/contracted by clicking the arrows next to the product or product area title.
There are a number of articles in the Knowledge Base that can help our customers get started. Some articles, which are related, are grouped together into a Knowledge Collection article. Other articles stand-alone and provide helpful information. These articles can be bookmarked and refreshed occasionally as new content is being added on a regular basis.
Resources - This menu provides links to the Global SuppotProduct Documentation, CSM resources, Training information, Trust site access, forms and more!
Veeva Connect - This link takes the Vault user to Veeva Connect Community. Post your questions/product enhancement wish list to a product community.
- Tickets - This link allows a customer to open a Support Ticket and manage existing tickets. Tickets can be sent to L1, Product Support, and/or Managed Services. Note: The user must be logged-in in order to create and manage tickets.
Language Dropdown - Initially allows for English, Japanese and Chinese article translations
User Profile/Sign In menu - Although the Support Portal is open for anyone to browse, there are some actions that require a login: opening & managing tickets and creating posts to the Product Communities. If the user does not have a login account, click the Signup link or complete the Veeva Support Portal Account Request on the Customer Support page. Once the user is signed in, the button changes to show the username. The user can click on the links in the drop-down next to the username to view the following options:
- My Activities - Allows the user to see all tickets created and tickets the user is CC'd on. If the user is following content on the portal, the user can see a list of that content and can choose to unfollow it.
- My Profile - Allows the user to see a summary of content followed, # of votes of content approval, and number of subscriptions to content. It also shows when the user first accessed the portal and the last activity made on the portal.
- Sign Out - Allows the user to log out of the Support Portal.
On the Home page, all Veeva Products that have Knowledge content are seen in respective boxes. Clicking a Product box takes the user to all the knowledge content regarding that product. Left sidebar navigation allows the user to manually browse through all the article sections for that product.
There are three tabs that can be used to help users find important content. A description of each tab follows:
Featured tab - This tab lists articles that are publicized due to the nature of the content. For example, it may be a recently recorded webinar or an article that addresses an important topic.
- New Articles tab - (NEW!) This tab lists all recently published articles. The contents change daily depending on the number of articles published that day. This helps our customers stay current on the new product-related information published to the portal.
Announcements - This tab lists product announcements. For example, it may contain articles that announce upcoming webinars so customers can register to attend. Or, it may list articles that are important to read. In addition, new product features might be introduced thru an announcement. Upcoming Veeva Events are also listed under this tab.
We appreciate customer comments regarding the Support Portal content! There are multiple ways to send your feedback to Veeva Support:
- Each article that is posted contains a Feedback survey at the bottom of the article. Article feedback helps us keep our articles current and relevant. We can respond back to the customer if contact information is provided in the survey.
At the bottom of the Support Portal page, a footer is added to access It also provides links to Veeva Social Media pages.
How to receive notifications on new articles?
To stay informed when a new knowledge base article is added to the portal, use the Follow button on the section that contains that article. An email notification is sent to the user whenever the section is updated with a new article. For article updates, the user should bookmark the important article. Then, perform a refresh on the article.
- Click on the Follow button to be notified on new articles added to a section.
- The button changes to Unfollow when notifications are initiated.
- If notifications are no longer needed, navigate to the user Profile menu, select My Activities, and click the Following tab. The user can see a list of any article or section that is followed. Click the Following button to unfollow.
Note: Veeva Support recommends that our customers bookmark Knowledge Collection articles and refresh the collections to see any new content added. One example is the Veeva Support Knowledge Collection Reference Guide. The Portal does not notify a user if an article's content has changed.
To keep track of the sections or communities you are following, go to the user profile and select My Activities or My Profile.
PromoMats & EDC End-user information:
For PromoMats & CDMS end-users, please use the following article to contact the Global Service Center: