How to disable the verification email sent to a user when the user email address changes?
Salesforce sees email verification as an important step to prevent email fraud by verifying the user's email account. Please review the steps below to submit a request to disable this setting:
- Open a ticket requesting Veeva Support.
- Attach a signed letter (on company letterhead) including this information:
- The specific request to disable Email Change Verification and state the current situation
- The Veeva Support Ticket ID
- A full username and the org ID(s) associated to the specific instances
- A list of email domains allowed for user email addresses
- Note: The user's company should own the allowed domains. If is provided, the user can change email to:, but is rejected because is not included as an allowed domain.
- Always include the domain
- Specify whether the user owns the domains that are being requested. If not, include a signed letter of consent from each domain's owner to have the domain added.
- The System Administrator or Designated Contact's signature along with the contact's title and contact information (phone and email)
NOTE: If there are multiple Sandboxes and it is necessary to disable this feature in Production, it needs to be activated every time the Sandbox is refreshed (requires management approval). Specify in an approval letter that this is a blanket approval that also applies for all future Sandbox refreshes.
Related Documentation:
Salesforce Knowledge Article: Disable Email Change Verification
Thank you