How to determine the Root Cause When Hitting API Limit in CRM?
When the SFDC API Limit in an Org is breached, problems arise with Integrations, Veeva-generated pages, Veeva offline platform sync, and any other systems utilizing the SFDC API. A Support Case is required to have the API Limit temporarily raised to regain functionality, but the following information can be used to help identify the cause.
The Org's API Limit can be viewed in the Company Information:
Navigate to: Setup --> Company Profile --> Company Information --> API Requests, Last 24 Hours
A report is also available in all Orgs showing user API calls made over the last 7 days. This can assist in determining the actions that cause increased API usage and result in exceeding the limit.
Navigate to: Reports --> In Folders, Search for Administrative Reports --> API Calls Made Within Last 7 Days
Related Documentation:
SFDC Documentation: API Requests Limits