What is the Impact of Renaming a Territory in Veeva Align and Pushing the Change out to Veeva CRM?
In the event, that the name of the Territory changes in Veeva Align, this change will be pushed into Veeva CRM. However, any records or functionalities that use the Territory_vod__c lookup are impacted, since their Territory_vod__c values are not updated or cascaded when a Territory is renamed in CRM.
Examples include Submitted/Saved Calls, and Sent Email records, however other Out-of-the-box (OOTB) functionalities relying on the Territory_vod__c field will also be impacted.
In the event, that Multichannel Cycle Plans (MCCP) is configured, modifying Territory names in CRM has an impact on the MCCP calculation because the Territory_vod__c values of the calculated records will not match the Territory_vod__c values of the MCCPs. The Align Push to CRM adjusts the Territory_vod__c values of the MCCPs, but this does not result in an automatic update to the calculated records.
The best practice, in this case, is to test in a sandbox and come up with a plan to ensure no impact happens.
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