Why is there a Duplicate QE: Change Control: Planning workflow on a Change Control in Vault?
This state will start the QE: Change Control: Planning workflow.
If this workflow is already active, a second duplicate will be created:
Vault assumes all Impact Assessments should be Closed before moving to the planning stage.
This issue will occur when a new Impact Assessment is created when the Change Control is already in the planning stage.
See the Change Control flow here:
To prevent this from occurring in the future add an Entry Criteria on the In Impact Assessment state of the Impact Assessment Lifecycle that requires the Change Control to be in the In Impact Assessment state.
This prevents the Impact Assessment from being able to start when you define the team if the Change Control is not in that state, so the user will be forced to complete the QE: Change Control: Planning workflow and select Revise Impact Assessment to move the record back to the appropriate state to initiate a new Impact Assessment:
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Configuring Multi-Document Change Control