In a few cases, cities of different countries can have the same postal code. However, the same postal codes cannot be added as Zip to Terr records, leading to incomplete territory alignment. How should identical postal codes be handled in multi-country environments?
A solution for the scenario whereby a multi-country org contains two countries that have common postcode names is as follows:
- Prefix the values in the Zip_vod__c field on the Address_vod object with the two-letter country code.
- Prefix the values in the Name and Zip_ID_vod__c fields on the Zip_to_Terr_vod object with the two-letter country code.
- If it is a concern that the end users may get confused by the prefix when they view an Address record, a custom field can be created on the Address_vod object that contains the un-prefixed zip code. This field can be exposed to the end users on the Address page layout instead of the Zip_vod__c field.
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