The Apple Maps integration feature Mode 2 is activated. Due to the Latitude and Longitude fields not being populated, Addresses are not displayed correctly for Accounts.
Root Cause:
Mode 2 enables Apple API geo-coding for Addresses that do not have Latitude and Longitude fields populated on the Address object.
This process is slow and works on geo-coding one Address at a time. This results in Apple Maps displaying the first Address it geo-coded instead of the Account actual Address.
Geo-coding occurs as soon as the CRM app is accessed and syncs. This continues to do so as long as the app is in the foreground. Org admins should instruct reps to start the CRM application on an iPad device and let it stay active or do non-maps related work for 30 minutes to an hour.
Apple Maps stores the geo-coded Addresses for future use. As long as an Address is geo-coded once, it does not have to be geo-coded again.
Related Documentation: