After sending an Approved Document to a Health Care Provider (HCP), the related Sent Email record Status remains as Saved_vod with the following error: At least one associated document referenced is not in approved state: [Vault document URL].
Root Cause:
The related piece associated with the Approved Document is in an Expired state in Vault.
There are two options in order to resolve this issue.
First option:
- Remove the associated related piece document in Vault from the Approved Document.
- Run Force Full Refresh on the Approved Email Administration page.
Second option:
- Set the Status of the related piece to Approved in Vault.
- Be sure that the {{PieceLink}} token is added to the Approved Document.
- Run Force Full Refresh on the Approved Email Administration page.
Related Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: Relationship Types for Email Templates and Email Fragments