What kind of records can be edited with the Veeva Align Dataloader, Vault UI, Vault Loader and Business Admin UI?
It is strongly recommended to use the Align UI and Veeva Align Dataloader for daily Veeva Align Business As Usual (BAU) tasks.
Any actions executed by these two Align-related platforms are supported and will result in the intended behavior. It is not possible to delete records with the Align Data Loader.
Vault Loader and Business Admin are generally recommended for troubleshooting purposes and resolving data-related issues, which cannot be resolved by the Align UI or Align Data Loader. Their use requires Intermediate/Expert understanding.
It is possible to modify, delete, create, update almost all records with the Business Admin UI and Vault Loader. It is also possible to manage almost all fields and their values. However, both of these Vault Related platforms are not recommended for daily use because they generally bypass several Align and Vault related triggers. These triggers are partially responsible for auto-generating several special type of assignments. In the event these triggers are bypassed, the expected behavior may not be experienced.
Examples of these assignments are inherited records such as Account Territory records having the source of Align Rule / Account Hierarchy Rule, or Geography Territories having the source of Footprint. Vault Loader / Business Admin can be used to end date these assignments, while the Align Data Loader / Align UI cannot be used.
Related Documentation:
Align Help Documentation:
Vault Help Documentation: