What is the impact of enabling Engage Sandbox in a Veeva CRM Sandbox?
In the event, that Engage Sandbox has not been enabled in an existing Veeva CRM Sandbox Org, activating it has an impact, regardless of how the CRM Org was created.
These Creation actions are as follows:
- Refresh
- Cloning
- New
The impact is as follows:
- All User-Engage Group associations are deleted from the Engage Meeting Administration tab
- All Engage Groups and their Settings are deleted Engage Meeting Administration tab
- A default group with the name "Meeting Group 1" is created with no Engage settings enabled in the Engage Meeting Administration tab, with the exception of Requiring Passwords.
- The values of the Engage-related fields on the User records - Engage_Request_vod__c, Engage_Group_vod__c, and Engage_Provisioning_Request_vod__c - are not modified.
- The number of Engage Licences is null
In the event, a Veeva CRM Org gets cloned, or refreshed from a parent org, the impact is as follows, regardless if the CRM Sandbox org is associated with the Engage Sandbox or not:
- All User-Engage Group associations are deleted from the Engage Meeting Administration tab
- All Engage Groups and their Settings are kept in the Engage Meeting Administration tab
- The values of the Engage fields on the User records - Engage_Request_vod__c, Engage_Group_vod__c, and Engage_Provisioning_Request_vod__c - are modified to their parent User records accordingly, as the Refresh or Cloning actions overwrite the User records.
- The number of Engage Licences is null
- The parent Production CRM Org may be used as a reference to recreate the Engage Groups as well as the User-Engage assignments.
- After a Customer-initiated Sandbox Refresh, any subsequent Engage Relinking process - carried out by Veeva Support - will not remove the groups from the Engage Administration tab.
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