When querying objects using Workbench or a similar tool using a where clause from a Vmobile Object Configuration (VMOC), the result is slightly higher than the Record count on the Offline database under Settings within the Mobile CRM app.
Root Cause:
During sync, the query on the VMOC is slightly modified in order to leave out bad records.
- VMOC Call2_vod__c is configured with a where clause: SELECT Id FROM Call2_vod__c WHERE (Call_Date_vod__c>=LAST_N_DAYS:180)
- The sync process changes the query to:
- SELECT Id FROM Call2_vod__c WHERE (Call_Date_vod__c>=LAST_N_DAYS:180) AND (Account_vod__c IN (SELECT Id FROM Account))
- SELECT Id FROM Call2_vod__c WHERE (Call_Date_vod__c>=LAST_N_DAYS:180) AND (Medical_Event_vod__c IN (SELECT Id FROM Medical_Event_vod__c))
3. This results with Calls being left out which do not have an Account or a Medical Event id populated.
This is working as designed.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: N/A
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