How to determine which VMobile Object Configuration (VMOC) is being used by an end-user?
Run the following query to determine which VMOCs are being used. Replace the 18 x's with the user's Profile 18-digit record ID in the query.
SELECT Id, OwnerId, IsDeleted, Name, RecordTypeId, CreatedDate, CreatedById , LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, SystemModstamp, MayEdit, IsLocked, LastViewedDate, LastReferencedDate, Active_vod__c, Child_Object_Name_vod__c, Child_Relationship_vod__c, Include_Related_Objects_vod__c, Object_Name_vod__c, Parent_Object_Name_vod__c, Profile_ID_vod__c, Relationship_Field_vod__c, Relationship_Name_vod__c, Type_vod__c, Where_Clause_vod__c, Profile_Name_vod__c, Meta_Data_Only_vod__c, Account_Lookup_Field_vod__c, Device_vod__c, Exclude_Field_List_vod__c, Field_List_vod__c, Enable_Enhanced_Sync_vod__c FROM VMobile_Object_Configuration_vod__c WHERE Active_vod__c = true AND Object_Name_vod__c != null AND Device_vod__c = 'iPad_vod' AND (Profile_ID_vod__c='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' OR Profile_ID_vod__c= null OR Profile_ID_vod__c ='') ORDER BY Profile_ID_vod__c ASC NULLS last
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Sync Overview