What is the suggestion tag display logic in the right table ① and left panel ② on the CRM iPad?
The logics in the right suggestion table and the left panel are different.
- In the right suggestion table ①, the tags are sorted first by type (Suggestion_Tag_vod__c.Product_vod__c vs. Suggestion_Tag_vod__c.Driver_vod__c), and then alphabetically in ascending order.
- In the left panel ②, the tags are grouped and sorted by count, and also separated by type (product vs. driver). If the count is the same across all tags, then the tags are sorted in the order they were retrieved from the database. There is a maximum of four rows per group. The three tags with the largest number of suggestions appear first and then the fourth row is labeled Other (SUGGESTION_TAG_OTHER;;Common) and is a combination of all other tags. If there are fewer than four total tags in the group then do not show an Other row.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Suggestions Overview