What is the difference between the Alert Dismiss and Alert Hide Links in the Offline Veeva CRM Application? Are these functionalities the same?
These are two different functionalities:
- Dismissing an Alert record in the My Alerts tab on the Home Page
- Hiding an Alert record in the Notifications Center
The Alert Dismissing option is located on a particular Alert record detail page in the My Alerts tab on the Homepage.
This option is displayed upon meeting the following criteria:
- The end-user has edit and create privileges to Alert_User_Action_vod
- The Dismissable field of the Alert record is TRUE
The Alert Hide option is available in the Notification Center for any Alert records which are pushed by the Push Notification functionality. It can be reached by swiping on the Alert record in the Notifications Center.
This option is not controlled by the configuration mentioned above, it is displayed for all pushed alert records. It does not dismiss any alert records in the My Alerts tab on the Home Page. The purpose of this functionality is to hide the Alert in the Notifications Center.
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