How are CRM desktop Windows-related VMobile Object Configuration (VMOC) records set up correctly in Veeva CRM?
The following configurations are prerequisites:
Be sure that the CRM_Desktop_Windows_vod is present and active as a picklist item of the Device_vod__c field. Open the image in a new tab in order to read it:
Be sure that the CRM_Desktop_Windows_vod picklist item of the device picklist is enabled for the TABLET Record Type of the VMOC object. Open the image in a new tab in order to read it:
The following Salesforce (SOQL) query may be used to gather up the CRM Desktop related VMOCs:
select FIELDS(ALL) from VMobile_Object_Configuration_vod__c where Device_vod__c
= 'CRM_Engage_vod' LIMIT 200
The standard out-of-the-box (OOTB) configuration of these VMOC records are required to be used for the objects listed below:
These objects are as follows. Click on the link to jump to the respective VMOC of the object. Open the images in a new tab in order to read them. The Profile and Profile Name fields may be used and are optional. The value of the External ID field is also optional and may be modified. There are 17 VMOCs that are necessary to be set up, one VMOC is optional and one is only needed if the org has Advanced Text Search Enabled.
- Call2_Detail_vod__c
- Call2_Key_Message_vod__c
- Call2_vod__c
- Call_Clickstream_vod__c - Optional VMOC.
- Clm_Presentation_Slide_vod__c
- Clm_Presentation_vod__c
- Directory_vod__c
- Key_Message_vod__c
- Message_vod__c
- Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod__c
- Multichannel_Activity_vod__c
- Multichannel_Consent_vod__c
- Multichannel_Settings_vod__c
- My_Setup_Products_vod__c
- Product_Group_vod__c
- Product_vod__c
- User
- Veeva_Settings_vod__c
For orgs with Advanced Text Search Enabled:
- ContentDocumentLink_vod__c - set Metadata Only field to "Yes"
Call2_Detail_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Call2_Key_Message_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Call2_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Call_Clickstream_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
This is an optional VMOC.
Clm_Presentation_Slide_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Clm_Presentation_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Directory_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Key_Message_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
The WHERE clause is as follows:WHERE (Active_vod__c = TRUE OR (Active_vod__c = FALSE AND LastModifiedDate >= LAST_N_DAYS:60)) AND Media_File_Name_vod__c != NULL
Message_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Populate the WHERE clause with one of the following options:
If the SYNC_CONFIGURATION_MODE_VOD Veeva Setting is enabled with a value of 1, then use:WHERE Category_vod__c IN ('RemoteMeeting', 'iPad', 'CONTENT', 'CLM', 'Common') AND Language_vod__c IN (@@VOD_USER_LANG_CD@@,'en_US')
If the SYNC_CONFIGURATION_MODE_VOD Veeva Setting is not enabled and the value is 0, then be sure there is only one Message_vod__c CRM Desktop Windows VMOC record.
Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Multichannel_Activity_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Multichannel_Consent_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Multichannel_Settings_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
The WHERE clause is as follows:WHERE SetupOwnerId in (@@VOD_SF_PROFILEID@@, @@VOD_MY_ORGID@@)
My_Setup_Products_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
The WHERE clause is as follows:
Product_Group_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Product_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
User - Click here to jump to the object list.
The WHERE clause is as follows:
Veeva_Settings_vod__c - Click here to jump back to the object list.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation:
- Configuring CLM for Online Engage Meetings
- Hosting an Engage Meeting on the iPad
- Tracking Save for Later CLM Activity in the Veeva CRM Desktop App
- Tracking CLM Preview Activity on the Veeva CRM Desktop App
Knowledge Base:
- Troubleshooting Veeva CRM Desktop Installation / Removal / Upgrade Issues
- Windows Defender Firewall Alert is Displayed Upon Starting the Veeva CRM Engage Host Application
- The Veeva CRM Engage Participant Application Executable Prompts to be Downloaded and Installed Once the Meeting Invitation Link is Accessed
Microsoft Documentation:
- Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11
- Introduction to Microsoft Edge WebView2