When attempting to add an account and its Parent Health Care Organization (HCO) through Network Account Search (NAS), the following error displays "Foreign key external ID: {18-digit Veeva ID} not found for field NET_External_Id__c in entity Account;" with the Parent HCO's Veeva ID in the error message. What is a possible cause?
This error may reference the fact that the Account cannot be added because Network cannot send the record to CRM based on filters defined in the Veeva OpenData Subscription.
The Veeva OpenData subscription should be checked to ensure that the filters defined there do not prevent the record from being downloaded into Network which would subsequently prevent the record from being added as an account in CRM.
The "Filter Parent HCOs during Ad Hoc Download and Data Change Requests" setting will apply the defined Veeva OpenData HCO record's filters to the Parent HCOs of any account's Parent HCO when trying to add the account and its Parent HCO.
Related Documentation:
Network Help Documentation: Downloading records from Veeva OpenData