When presenting a CLM presentation on iPad or the CRM Windows Desktop app, sometimes the presentation skips a slide, advancing two slides at a time. Why does this happen?
This can occur when a custom Closed Loop Marketing (CLM) presentation has JavaScript code that advances the slide on swipe. This conflicts with Veeva code that also advances the slide on swipe resulting in two commands to advance. Sometimes both the JavaScript message of nextSlide and the Veeva swipe event go through, causing the slide to advance twice. Other times, the Veeva event completes before the JavaScript event can send the message, and the slide only advances once.
To correct this, Content Admins can disable the custom JavaScript code in the Presentation and rely on the Veeva code for advancing between slides.
Alternatively, Administrators can add Swipe_vod to the Key_Message_vod__c.Disable_Actions_vod__c for each Key_Message_vod in the presentation in CRM. This disables the Veeva code which advances the slide, leaving only the JavaScript code to advance.
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