There are negative Duration values, such as -86323 or -3, in some Call Key Message records.
Root Cause:
The Duration_vod is calculated by Current Time - Start_Time_vod__c.
- Start_Time_vod__c is the datetime when we start on the current slide
Current Time is the datetime when we are finished with the current slide
There are two reasons for the Current Time to be less than the Start_Time_vod__c:
If the negative value is a small number of seconds, such as -2, -3.
The iPad is using a connection to a cellular tower to correct its time directly after gathering the Start Time. This results in the current time being a few seconds behind the current Start Time. The Duration is calculated by subtracting the Start Time from the current time. Since the iPad has corrected to a few seconds prior to the Key Message's Start Time, it can end up as a negative value.
If the negative value is a large number, such as -86323.
This occurs because the user changed the iPad clock.
Example scenario:
The user plans a call and opens the CLM media at 13:00 PM.
The user puts the media to the background and sets the time back to 10:00 AM.
The user returns to the media, clicking "Done", and submit the call.
According to the scenario, the Duration_vod is calculated as 10:00 - 13:00 = -10800(s).
For the small negative Duration_vod values, there is no effective way to avoid the small-time correction when the connection is to a cellular tower.
For the large negative Duration_vod values, check with the end-user for the reason why the iPad clock is changed.
Please open a Support case if it is not in either situation.
Related Documentation:
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