Channel Activities occur, however, Channel Attainment is calculated as 0%. The Channel Status is set as Under Reached for the CRM Multichannel Cycle Plan (MCCP) Target.
Root Cause:
The Channel_Activity_Goal_vod__c of the related MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c is set as 0. So, there is no attainment to be calculated for the MCCP Target.
To resolve this issue, the user could use the following query to retrieve the related MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod records:
SELECT id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c in ('MCCP Target Id')
Then define the value to Channel_Activity_Goal_vod__c of the related MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Multichannel Cycle Plans Overview