What is the Difference Between the OOTB Veeva Lock Field and the Salesforce Record Locking Feature in Regards to Veeva CRM MCCP?
The purpose of the locked__aln OOTB Veeva CRM field is - by checking it - the Customer System Administrator prevents the end-user from editing the MCCP record in any way, online and offline. The duration of this kind of lock is determined by the customer.
The purpose of the SFDC locking functionality in this context is that when the end user submits the Goal change on CRM for iPad - Using the CRM MCCP Goal Editing Functionality - either the end-user or a piece of customization (Such as a Process Builder logic) locks the MCCP record at the SFDC platform level during a potential Approval Process (SFDC Functionality). The record is unlocked after the Approval Process has been completed.
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