With NAS Filters configured, why are results appearing in Network Account Search that should not?
After configuring the custom setting, NAS Filters, in Network Settings, unexpected results appear when a user performs a Network Account Search (NAS). The cause of such results can be explained by one or more of the following points:
- The end-user does not have Read FLS to the NAS_Filter_vod__c field on the User object and/or the integration user does not have Edit FLW to the NAS_Filter_vod__c field on the User object.
- The value in the NAS Filters custom Network Setting is not properly formatted. The value populated in this setting should be in the form of an API Search Parameter. An example of a properly formatted Search Parameter: &filters=hcp.specialty_1__v:ON&filters=hco.major_class_of_trade__v:32,4
- The end-user's profile has a profile-specific Network Settings and the NAS Filters custom setting is not populated in the profile-specific Network Settings.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation: Network Account Search
Network Help Documentation: Network API Reference