Sample_Status_vod and License_Valid_To_Sample_vod__c formula fields are not updating, even though the required fields expiration date and license status are populated.
Root Cause:
Formula fields rely on exact data for values which the formula is looking for.
Example: The formula is looking for a value of Valid_vod. The value needs to be exact.
Review the formulas for the fields in question and be sure that other than correct API names the values, which the formula relies on, are present in the fields where the formula is looking for those values.
Example: Formula field License_Valid_To_Sample_vod__c on the Address_vod__c object has the following condition:
IF(LEN( TRIM(License_vod__c )) <1,"Invalid",IF(ISNULL( License_Expiration_Date_vod__c ) ,"Invalid",IF(AND( License_Expiration_Date_vod__c > TODAY() ,ISPICKVAL(License_Status_vod__c, "Valid_vod")),"Valid", "Invalid")))
Notice that the formula is looking for the value of Valid_vod in the License_Status_vod__c field, if the value is mistakenly set to Valid it does not work and the formula field does not populate as expected. This could be easily overlooked during a data load.
Related Documentation: