A Multichannel Cycle Plan (MCCP) Veeva CRM Process job aborts with the following error message: ExceededQuota: ApiBatchItems Limit exceeded.
Root Cause:
Salesforce has a specific limit of batches that can be processed in a 24-hour period. The error message is displayed when this limit is exceeded.
The sole solution is to wait for the 24-hour period to pass. To prevent this issue from occurring, the System Administrator should span out the run time of jobs using the Multichannel Engine such as Approved Email Processes, CLM Processes, Engage Processes, etc.
The number of batch jobs running during the 24-hour period can be checked by navigating to: Setup --> Jobs ->- Bulk Data Load Jobs.
The Quota is displayed in this page:
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation:
Knowledge Article: