The Recall Approval Request button uses the SalesForce Approval Workflows. When clicking the Recall Approval Request (Recall_Approval_Request_vod) button on an EM Event page, the following error occurs: Insufficient access rights on cross-reference id.
Root Cause:
The issue may be caused by the following reasons:
- The Allow submitters to recall approval requests submission setting of the relevant SalesForce Approval Process is not enabled and the submitter is not an admin.
- The Allow submitters to recall approval requests submission setting of the relevant SalesForce Approval Process is enabled. However, the user who performs the recall action is not the submitter or an admin.
For issue #1:
Enable the Allow submitters to recall approval requests submission setting of the relevant SalesForce Approval Process by selecting the checkbox.
For issue #2:
Let the submitter or an admin recall the approval request.
Related Documentation:
CRM Help Documentation:
Salesforce Help Documentation: